Thursday, 4 May 2006

Here Comes the Gown*

Hours spent driving to dress appointments: 3

Actual hours spent in appointments: 4.5

Number of gowns my sister originally wanted me to see: 2

Gowns my sister tried on: 24

Gowns we are still trying to decide between: 2

Number of times shop assistants invoked Grace Kelly: 7

Times shop assistants used the word “romantic” to describe a gown: 22

Times “romantic” was coupled with “yet modern”: 14

Times my sister used the word “well-cut” to describe a gown: 6

Times she asked me, “Well, if you were getting married, which would you choose?”: 19

Times she said: “But you didn’t cry when I tried on that one. Are you going to cry at my wedding?”: 4

Number of times I lost my temper: 1

Times – when contemplating a plain gown – we were told “the bride is the entertainment”: 1

Minutes shop assistants left us alone in the dressing room: 4

Number of gowns I was curious to know if anyone ever bought: 4

Percentage of gowns we saw on other brides that we couldn’t believe they were considering buying: 50

Number of times I caught my sister angling her left hand so her engagement ring would catch the light: At least 60.

When asked which type of gown he’d prefer, number of times my brother-in-law-to-be said: “Whichever is easier to get off, I guess": 1

Ratio of gowns to times shop assistants said: “You’ll make a beautiful [insert name of designer of gown my sister currently had on her body] bride”: 1:1

Ratio of average price of my sister’s favorite gowns to the cost of my cranberry Pottery Barn sleeper sofa: 2:1

Ratio to 1 month’s rent in my London flat: 3:1

*with apologies to the Harpers Index


  1. Fabulous.

    Is it too much to hope she was joking with the cry line (all four times)?

  2. when did it occur to you to start keeping a log of each of these incidents? i'm surprised there were only 4 instances of " Number of gowns I was curious to know if anyone ever bought"

    love harpers index!

  3. I planned to count all along -- I knew it probably would be a trying experience! As for there only being 4 dresses I was curious to know if anyone ever bought -- we were only dealing with the very most recent collections of very high end designers (not that that excuses them from hideousness), so numbers were limited!
