Tuesday, 5 March 2013


You know that dream where you wake up and suddenly you’re skinny? I’m having it again.

Except I know – I know – it will be any day now, if I can just hang on.

Not skinny, exactly, but I’m in a weight range that, if past experience is any guide, just a couple more pounds suddenly will make a massive difference.

I’ve lost 16 pounds since November 7. I have mixed feelings about that number. On one hand, 16 pounds is 16 pounds. On the other hand, that high weight number came from being on a scale within hours of a massive binge. Given the amount of water weight et al I tend to put on from one, I suspect the true loss may be more like seven-ish pounds. But you know, better a downward trend than an upward.

Another reason for mixed feelings: Technically, I’ve lost more than 16 pounds – I haven’t got the records, but I suspect it’s more like 26, between the upward blips from binges.  Every time I try anything on, which isn’t all that often, I think of the old road signs: If you lived here, you’d be home by now. If you didn’t binge, you’d be slim(mer) by now.

I’d be a lot of things if I didn’t binge, hmmm?

Meanwhile, I haven’t in 23 days. (Which, if you’re counting – I cannot help doing so – is the longest I’ve managed since November.)


  1. Good for you. I know it is so hard to just take those numbers without adjusting for so many reasons. But progress is obviously making you feel more positive - so that is fantastic!

  2. Good news on the no bingeing. 23 days pretty good. Keep it up hon.

    I know what you mean on the whole "how much weight have I lost over the years" thought. Christ, if we just did it the once and kept it of!?

    But, life is not about straight lines and neither is our weight.

    I'm hugging the fact to myself that I weigh less now than I did in September - you do the same with your November 7 date. It IS valid and it IS a good thing!

    Lesley xx
