Monday, 15 June 2015

Open to the Public

There is the idea in blogland that if you disappear, it’s because you’re failing. And that’s not totally true in my case.

Yes, I’m the heaviest I’ve been in awhile. Heavy enough that I don’t like any of my clothes and I’d like to stay home and hide behind my computer instead of going out to meet editors. Heavy enough that I don’t want to get on a scale because I’m afraid it will read a number I swore I’d never go above once I got beneath it.

But I think you can only say you’ve failed if you’ve given up, and that I never have. I made it through to late November without a binge – somewhere north of 100 days, if I remember correctly. And then it’s all been touch and go since then. It was about one binge a week through the holidays, and then January and February were just… bad. March and April I think I’d scrape together about a week without a binge at a time if I was lucky, though there was also a longish stretch in London where I wasn’t eating with much restraint (except at breakfast) but I wasn’t bingeing either. May was full of celebration and so, yes, champagne and all manner of fat and sugar.

I spent the last Friday in May at another big dinner, but instead of bingeing after, as I might have done (because, you know, I’d eaten enough that I’d started to get into the headspace that I should just eat everything I ever deny myself because I’d start afresh in the morning), I went home. Day 1. Maybe not the neatest Day 1 nor one – if I carry on eating that way -- likely to shift any pounds any time soon, but a day without a binge and therefore worth noting.

So here we are. Day 17.

My plan is to post at least once a week, and if any of my old readers are left (hi!) I’ve returned the blog to public. Suffice it to say the reason it was private (I hope) has faded with time. Let’s hope my blogging skills have not…


  1. I'm glad you're posting again. Look forward to hearing more.

  2. Just happened to check in, and was pleasantly surprised to see that you had updated, though sorry to read of your struggles. Glad to hear that you're still in the fight. All of my best to you.

  3. I'm so glad you're back. I've missed hearing your voice.

  4. Weirdly enough, I've spent the last days re-reading your entire archive. Hope you weren't spooked by the strange traffic numbers! I'm so glad to hear from you. Noone talks the way you do about life with this disease/condition that we have. Please never stop writing.

  5. Ive also been reading your archives very recently and wondering how you were doing - im so happy to read a new post and to hear things are ok. I appreciate your honest writing and aspire to handle my own difficulties with food as well as you do yours.

  6. Yay! You're back!! Oooooh, you've been missed xx

  7. Great to see you posting again...I'll be reading!

  8. aw, thanks, all of you! SO so nice.
