Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Back in the Skinny Jeans

Can’t fall down on the posting on Day 2 already, so this is just a super-quick check in a I’ve been working since 9 am (and it’s now nearly 11 pm.)

It’s been more than a week of on-plan eating and exercise, and I felt sufficiently good to try on a black faux fur jacket offered to me, rather randomly, by the tiny Chinese girl who lives downstairs. She’s moving and doesn’t need it. Somewhat unbelievably, it fit -- and my super-stylist friend even approved of it -- though I will have to pretend it’s bracelet-sleeved, as technically the sleeves are a little too short. I’m not sure I’ve ever inherited clothing from anyone that I actually wanted (as opposed to fat-type clothes I would take because I couldn’t face the shops in my size – or didn’t want to spend money at a size I hoped I wouldn’t stay at.) It's a nice feeling.

The coat episode then made me sufficiently bold (ha!) to bring my skinniest of skinny jeans to the gym without a backup pair, and I’m pleased I was able to work in them all day. Part of my recovery over these past two years – along with the not weighing myself -- has been not hiding out in gym clothes, meaning stretchy things. (And I get dressed in proper clothes every single day, even if all I’m doing is sitting around my flat writing.)

Today was a hungry day, meaning things I eat on other days (and they work fine) feel like they barely touch the sides. If I can guess in the morning that it’s going to be a hungry day – and I can’t always tell – I do stick to what I know works. It often keeps me from spending ages trying to decide if I’ve had enough / what extra I should eat, which can be a disaster when I’m hungry anyway. Today I had an extra piece of fruit after my afternoon snack (porridge with maple syrup). Still hungry. Luckily I managed to distract myself for a bit, got engrossed in the work, and when I looked up it was time for dinner.

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