Thursday, 18 September 2008

Filled Up

Last night the unthinkable happened.

I was served a plate of a Persian stew I’d ordered and thought: Wow, that is an enormous amount of food. So far, so what, right?

And then I thought: I can’t possibly eat all that.

Not: I shouldn’t eat all that (although I thought that too), but There is no freakin’ way my stomach will hold all of that.

I divided the plate in half – and ate ¾ of the half. And didn’t think about it any more.

* * *

It’s been 39 days since I’ve binged – what I think is the longest I’ve gone this calendar year, and just may be the longest I’ve gone in a year, full stop. When I went to see my binge-eating therapist yesterday, he commented on how much more hopeful I looked. And that’s exactly how I feel.

In Spain on Monday I rode a horse through the Andalucian countryside at sunset -- an absolutely gorgeous two-hour paseo on a white Portuguese horse called Companera. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we didn't end up getting a booking until the last minute, at just after 8 p.m., and had no time to eat dinner. It was 10:30 pm before my friend and I were at a restaurant looking at menus.

"I thought I'd be starving by now," I said.

"You were filled up with what you were doing," she answered.

Weight today: 11 stone 5 (159 lbs).

* * *

What? What’s that you say? You say today is Saturday? (Why is it that I still remember Shel Silverstein poems I read 20 years ago?)

Let’s try this again. What’s that you say? You say you want to hear about Bachelor No. 2?

Hmmm, that doesn’t rhyme so well. I’m sure I could turn that into some sort of tortured metaphor for how he fits into my life, but, erm, I won’t.

Let’s just say there is still some unfinished business there. After some crazy-girl behavior on my part in Venice – and it was, undeniably, crazy girl behavior, no matter how much I blame his crazy boy behavior for it – I thought things would be game over.

Nope. In fact, he turned into Superpossessive Boy while I was away in Spain for 10 days (where I was until yesterday), saying my lack of contact was making him paranoid. Um, hello. Welcome to my world, I felt like saying. But didn’t.

I am picking my way through this slowly. I’m angry – and at the same time, I can find humor in my situation. I think both of these are good things.

I know I’ve been quite vague about what’s going on, and that’s partly been because I’ve been traveling (Venice, Miami, Malaga, Carratraca, Arcos, Seville), partly because it seems to change more times in a day than either San Francisco’s or London’s weather, and partly because I’ve been very busy. Some day I’ll get this all on paper (but I'm afraid it isn't going to be today -- and probably not tomorrow, either.)


  1. Hey I just wanted to congratulate you for your binge free days. I've been lurking/reading your blog for awhile now and I am so pleased at your progress. I am also a perpetual dieter and definitely prone to mindless bingeing. So I can relate. Thanks for sharing your success - good luck with the boy problem!

  2. Love the updates. So great about the no bingeing.

    Your traveling sounds amazing, but it does sound like you have been busy!


  3. I am always amazed at how well you do with your eating and exercise when you travel so much. I tend to use it as an excuse when I travel, but I can see from your blog that I have no excuses.

    I love the comment about being filled by what you are doing. I can really see how when I am happier in my job and life eating is less of a priority for me.

    I think you are doing really well. :-)

  4. Yes - being filled with what you're doing must be the key. I'm just about to go to South Africa on holiday and I'm trying to focus on the stuff we'll be doing rather than the stuff I 'll be eating!

    Well done on the no binging and good luck (again) with dealing with BN2. I must admit I'm a bit chuffed to hear that he is suffering a little! Bad me!

    Lesley x
