Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Fashion Math

I did the math and realized the very fitted autumn/winter top I plucked from my closet in a hurry today is one I bought a year ago. It makes me happy just to think about that (and not just because a fund I invested a lot of money in went bust...)

It’s a seriously novel feeling – pulling out things I haven’t worn for months and being quite sure they’ll fit. I’m not sure I’ve ever had this feeling – I can’t remember a time when I stayed approximately the same size for a year. I’m always in the middle of a gain cycle or the middle of a lose cycle – neither of which are conducive to a closet of things to wear (that actually fit). Equally novel: The idea that I could actually do that thing I’ve been reading about in fashion magazines all my life, which is to buy a couple of accessories to update my wardrobe. (Let me stress that I could do this, but I probably won’t. I’m not that organized, I’m fairly indecisive, and, erm, see “investment funds went bust,” as above.)

The little boost I’m getting every time I catch sight of my top is particularly nice because I need it so badly: Some, erm, emotional turmoil combined with the onset of the gray English autumn has made me crave carbs carbs carbs – I think I’m stealing this phrase from Wendy, but basically, if I could crawl inside a loaf of white bread, I’d be delighted. If there were pasta there, too, I’d think it was nirvana. It’s more difficult than usual to get out of bed and exercise in the mornings. I haven’t been to yoga for ages both because our new deadline schedule makes it impossible and because I’ve been having to do a rethink of my previous any-money-spent-on-exercise-is-totally-justified policy. I haven’t felt much like running, although – partially inspired by Jess – I’ve been back at it and even signed up for the Paris half marathon in March. (No, I’m not sure what I was thinking.) I know my goal should be just to finish, but secretly, I’d really like to finish in less than 2:10. Need to get with the program – or really, a program – and get training…

1 comment:

  1. Not relative to your actual post but I just wanted to offer a thank you. Since stumbling over your blog a month or so ago I have managed, for the first time in my (not short) adult life to spend a month - September - eating 3 meals a day. No bingeing. Thank you.
