Sunday, 18 October 2009

The Fat Stats

“Do you really want to know?” I could hear the trainer asking a client at the gym. She’d been pointing to the body composition analysis machine (the InBody 720, if you’re curious) and wondering whether she should have it done.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to know myself, but I’m a sucker for a freebie these days, particularly as this would cost me £60 if I went to Harrods’ spa (where the machine had been borrowed from).

“We call it the truth machine,” said J., one of the gym’s staff, as I eyed it suspiciously. It looks a lot like a scale, to be honest, only also with hand grips. It was 10 am, and I’d had my morning porridge but had been told not have any caffeine, as apparently that interferes with the readings. Hmmm.

There are lots of numbers for things like “intracellular water” and “skeletal muscle mass,” but on to the important ones (to me). For body strength, which apparently it measures via some kind of electric current, I measured up as “developed” in the upper body and “normal” on the lower body – I always thought because I run so much I could get away without doing much lower body resistance training. (And to be honest, I don’t think based on these numbers I’m going to start.) Weight was 144.8, BMI was 22, and waist to hip ratio was .81 (my printout helpfully tells me that “normal” range is .75 - .85). My jaw did just about hit the scale when I came in as “under-fat” – the machine says I am 15.9 percent body fat, when normal range is 18 to 28. What I am marvelling at only slightly more is that somehow, this news did not make me think I immediately deserved to eat, say, an entire Victoria sponge.

PS Thursday marked 60 binge-free days.


  1. Congratulations Beth! All these figures and objective measurements are great in themselves but to my mind the important thing is that they mark all the hard work you have done on your mind and body over the years. It's wonderful to see something good really working!

    And the 60 day binge-free is brilliant.

    Keep it up, you're an inspiration.

    Lesley x

  2. As a long-time reader I would love to see a before and after photo of you (as anonymous as you like!)- I am so happy for you that you got such great results on the body scan.

  3. Wow - confirmation of all your hard work indeed.

    Peridot x

  4. Awesome - very exciting! Especially the 60+ days. Its a journey, right? Keep up the good work!

  5. impressive numbers!! :) Sarah

  6. Woot woot! I aspire to your level of fitness, I really do. Congrats on 60 days as well. As Lesley says--brilliant.

  7. 60 days!! So wonderful. Sounds like you are keeping busy and active and your blog posts are really positive and happy too. Seems like you've really found a sweet spot for yourself. Good for you!
