Today I went to put on my
trusty black jeans and panicked. Like, properly froze and felt slightly sick. I
was standing in the gym with no other clothing if they didn’t fit, and I
thought wildly about what I would do if they didn’t, since I’d already showered
and stuffed my sweaty leggings into a plastic bag with my other sweaty clothes.
I hadn’t worn the black
jeans for two weeks – I’d washed them and wore other jeans and then I found
myself avoiding them and then, conveniently, it was something approximating
summer and so I wore more summery things and avoided them some more.
Until today, when I
decided I had to face them.
The craziest part of all
this is that I haven’t binged or even especially overeaten (except maybe a
little at one Sunday lunch that the hosts didn’t serve until 4 pm and there
were no snacks). I haven’t been able to run (issue with dizziness I think I’ve
mentioned before) but I’ve been to the gym and to Pilates. It’s just vestigial
panic. In the past the only reason I stopped wearing anything was because it
stopped fitting, and washing jeans was… uh… not something I ever did if I could
avoid it (I know, gross, but true). I mean, what if they shrank even a teeny
bit? (If that happened they wouldn’t have fit, and we all know how horrible and
traumatic jeans-buying can be. Or any kind of clothing buying, when it is the
next size or three up. Because I only went to a shop when my jeans actually
busted, which usually meant they were about two sizes too small.)
Oh -- and if I put
anything away for a season, I’d always hope it would be too big by the time it
came to wear it again. Inevitably it was too small.
Today, when the black
jeans fit just fine, I thought about how sad the feelings the episode brought
up – and how incredibly grateful I am that for right now, that’s not my life.
I’ve resisted posting
again since my last post not because things have been bad, but because I’ve
been reluctant to tempt fate. Things feel better and easier -- like something
has shifted – but I’m aware of how quickly things can change again, and how
little it takes for that to happen. And so I remain vigilant. And also – I need
to repeat this again – grateful.
I'm glad for you that life is better. Past sadness is all part of us though eh.