Thursday, 25 June 2009

New York State of Mind (and Body)

I can’t decide if I’d be incredibly fat if I lived in New York – or incredibly thin. Everything in the world is available for sale here, much of in 100-calorie packages. Alongside cheesecake, crumb cake, bagels, black-and-white cookies and all the delights of my childhood (Combos! Little Debbie snack cakes! Reddi-Wip! Fig Newtons!), there are carb-free, fat-free (and often, taste-free) versions of everything.

Today for lunch I had cheesecake (the real version), a fat-free oatmeal cookie, and Zabar’s frozen yogurt (85 calories for four ounces). I am not making this up.

But back to the hypothetical posed in the first sentence: if I lived in New York.

I just might get the chance.

Today I was asked – actually encouraged -- to apply for a job at one of my very favourite magazines. It’s to be – wait for it – fitness editor. (Take that, former fat girl!) Among the things the editor – someone, for the record, I’ve never met in my life – said to me was: “I’m not giving you the hard sell because I know this would be a very big decision for you...” She also said if I were at all interested I should start the application process and she would not feel I’d done a “bait and switch” (her words) if I decided I couldn’t leave London.

My mind is racing. Could I live in New York? Could I do this job? Do I want either of these things?


  1. New York is amazing. You can get very fat OR very thin; all options are here. Come try it out. I've been here 10 years and adore it, though I will say it took a year to settle in and fall in love with he city. Try something new! If I was offered a year in London, I'd take it. :)

  2. Would it hurt to apply? Surely you won't know your real options until you are offered it?
    Is it the type of job you could go for and turn down anyway?
    Do it.

  3. OH! I would mug my granny for that job. why not apply and just see what happens? by the time the process really gets going you'd have time to think about it...

    wondering just how a fat-free oatmeal cookie works :)

  4. um WOW!! that's such amazing news.



  5. It's certainly complimentary that they want you, isn't it? That in itself must feel pretty awesome!
    I think it would be great to try it, but I also think living in London must be fantastic. It would definitely put some space btwn you and BN2, though, wouldn't it?

  6. I am so glad you are back. I was getting nervous!

    I found your blog through a link on another site a few weeks ago and after just reading a few posts I was hooked. So... I went back and read everything from the very beginning!

    As for the job? All I can say is good luck in whatever you decide. I can't wait to read about it though!

  7. If you don't apply, you will always live with, "What if?" Don't worry about the fat or skinny, it's an adventure. You will be the person you decide to be in a new country.

    A new country is terrifying but exciting (I just moved from Vancouver, Canada to San Fran, CA) and you will miss friends; but we live in such a virtual world that you will always be connected. You've been through a lot. Think about taking the jump.

  8. Wowzers, what an opportunity. Good luck making that decision, although to me, it sounds as though it's already made.....

    Well done.

    Lesley x

  9. Wow - how exciting, congratulations! And LOVE the job title. Why not go for it and see if after the interview process you'd really love it?

