Wednesday, 8 July 2009

The Skinny (Well, Fat) On My Trip

In 20 days in the US, where I was absurdly careful about food and alcohol and very good about exercise (both the in-the-gym variety and walking a lot), I gained somewhere between seven and 10 pounds.


For the record, the trip did include one very bad, very embarrassing binge – on Saturday, 4 July (no declaration of independence from bingeing for me, apparently). But I worked so bloody hard, is what I want to whine to you. I had to eat lunch and dinner out nearly every day – which means I contemplated nearly an acre of delicious, way-too-bountiful choices – and chose wisely. I had to deal with my sister and various other usually-binge-triggering family members. I did have some treats (among them full-fat New York cheesecake and a McDonalds sausage biscuit, both of which actually did taste as good as I remembered) but I budgeted them in. I bought a box of Little Debbie raisin crème pies and actually only ate one (those, like so many things I used to love, definitely did not live up to the memory, but there’s certainly a time where I’d have consumed the whole box anyway.) I exercised probably 15 days out of that 20.

To be fair, there is a small chance I didn’t gain quite as much as 10 pounds. The scale today actually read 10 stone 13.5 (153.5), which would be a gain of 11.5 pounds. But I weighed myself after breakfast and a glass and a half of water. Plus I spent yesterday on an airplane, which (I think I remember) does funny things to my weight. But my best case scenario, I think, is that I only gained seven pounds. Only seven pounds. Ugh. Still, I’d almost be happy if that’s all it is – I swore I’d never go over 150 pounds again, and now I have. Whoever thought seven plus pounds could feel so heavy? And yet I feel it, with every move and breath.

It was an awful struggle today to get myself back on track. I just wanted to eat, partially in frustration and partially because I see several events on the horizon that are going to make weight management difficult. I feel huge and fat – my jeans are tight, and I feel like my waist has been covered up with a little apron of fat. I wish I could hide in my dresses (some of them have forgiving A-lines), but they are fitted at the waist and it’s raining.

One foot in front of the other. I can do this. I’ve worked too hard to just let everything slide because I’m frustrated.

I wonder how much I would have gained, though, if I hadn’t been so careful? I suppose it’s depressing and defeatist to think maybe I could have eaten everything I wanted and not come out worse than I have now. Actually, I know perfectly well I could have – because everything I wanted might well have led to bingeing every day. Yes, Beth, just shut up now.

Repeat after me: This does not mean I am going to gain everything back. This does not mean I am going to gain everything back. This does not mean…


  1. This does not mean you are going to gain everything back!!!!

    I'm glad you're back -- I missed your posts. Don't let this little setback get you down. You've been through much worse. You can do it.

  2. Nah, you'll be fine! Give it three or four days and you'll probably de-bloat fantastically. Planes + salty airplane food + salty american food have probably caused you to retain water like anything. How about you update in four days and then we'll take a vote on whether panicking is justified?

  3. ugh...i feel your pain..

    i was in germany for 15 days and i've gained 8 lbs.

    i can tell you though what contributed to that..lots of treats from the bakery..numerous Kinder chocolates and plenty of caipirinhas!

    a week of clean eating will get you back under 150 in no time!

  4. This ABSOLUTELY does not mean you'll gain everything back! Take a few days to drink lots of water and eat really, really well, and I'll bet the weight will come off again. Get below that 150, as a first goal.

    Now, GO! :)

  5. This ABSOLUTELY does not mean you're going to gain everything back.

    It's tough being outside your normal routine. And you will be puffed up from flying, for sure.

    I understand how you feel, especially given your efforts to 'be good', but I bet you'll be back on track quickly and dump a chunk of the extra weight rapidly.

    Any more thoughts on the job?

    Peridot x

  6. I am sure-SURE! a lot of it is from traveling and being outside of normal routine. I gain 3-4 pounds sometimes on the weekend and then it drops off on a Tuesday or Wednesday. It is pretty hard to gain that much fat weight in that amount of time, especially if you've got only one or two binge moments. Breathe. Stay the course. Get back on track for a week and THEN get back on the scale.

    You aren't going to gain the weight back. That happens when you stop thinking about what goes in your mouth and stop weighing yourself, etc. You know what's up--just go back to the things that you know work for you (whether that's recording your food, exercising every day, whatever), pull them all out for a week or two, and you'll be back where you want to be.

  7. Well done for working hard at not gaining though.

    Youve used the word "embarrassing" about a binge a few times and I've thought that it is not helpful and have been meaning to say something about it. Hope you don't think I'm presumptuous but I don't think it is helpful for you to be embarrassed by the binging if it happens. It's not a reflection of you, it is just a skill you have still to master to stop them. If you can remove the value judgement element from your thoughts about it; if you can be logical and not judgmental it should be easier to tackle.

    It is similar to what I've been learning through this TV programme thing - that a lot of my behaviour comes from my primitive, emotional side and is hardwired into me as a woman - and eating and insecurity are our 2 main drivers. It is not, therefore my "fault" if I don't control my is just a skill I have yet to fully acquire.

    That's how I look at it and I must say, while it doesn't address the actual weight thing, it has removed a lot of the "moral" pressure from me which helps.

    I'm sure you'll shift those few lbs soon and be back under 150 in no time - God - I'd love that!

    Lesley x
