Tuesday, 23 March 2010

The Aftermath

Yesterday I was up 8 pounds thanks to Friday's binge – the worst gain in a year, I think, from a binge that wasn't even the worst of the year. And unlike previous binge gains this one doesn't seem to be disappearing anytime fast.

I used to roll my eyes at (thin) friends who would whine about how heavy they felt when they'd put on five or six pounds. Now I get it. My waist has disappeared under a doughnut of excess fat – and it's one leaden doughnut. I can feel it (when I try to run, when I button my coat) and I can see it, and all it does is make me anxious.

Which in turn makes me want to eat. Which I know perfectly well will not help, and so thus far I haven't. If hunger isn't the problem, eating isn't the solution. No one ever starved to death between meals. (Maybe I should pull a Bart Simpson and write each of those on the chalkboard a couple dozen times.)


So, the single life. All of my lovely friends tell me I'll meet someone amazing, but the trouble is, no one knows him.

O nags me about Internet dating, and I check out the site he recommends. In order to join I'd have to answer questions such as "Why should you meet me?" to which all I want to answer is: "Um, should you?" I'd have to rank myself as below average, attractive, above average attractive. (Attractive to whom? I know mosquitoes find me attractive.) And then there's my personal favorite: "Eats healthy or eats most things." Eats most things? I know exactly what they mean, but the contrarian in me can't help wondering if they're referring to quantity or quality.

Just for kicks (and because it's free) I fill in some details and a nom de plume and click the "show me my matches" button. At the top of the list: O.

I burst out laughing and -- because I haven't actually signed up and so can't message him through the service -- text him to tell him we have to stop meeting like this. He responds apologizing for having stolen all my best lines about him for his profile. The semi-obnoxious texts (our specialty) fly back and forth furiously until finally I stop, thinking this is the problem I've had with dating recently is that no one I've met is as fun, funny, kind and interesting as my friends, male and female.

Before I go to bed I have a look at O's profile, which is pretty close to what I'd have written about him if I were trying to pimp him. (Not a surprise when you consider most of the lines were things I have said about him in the past.) One of the few lines he's added includes how much he likes a particular museum in London – one very few people have been to -- that happens to be one of my favorites.



  1. Ohhhhh, that feeling miserable because you've put on weight and that being - contradictorily (if that's a word) - a trigger to eat, if only there were an answer to that. This is a HUGE problem for me.

    Think you may be over-thinking those dating questions by the way.....!

    Peridot x

  2. We need to clone O... or bump off his girlfriend :)

  3. But why is O on a dating site if he has a girlfriend?

  4. He's split up with the girlfriend -- she dumped him a few weeks ago, poor guy.

  5. If O is single, why not date him??
    As for the whole internet dating thing, I can say I actually met my husband on Lavalife. Sure I had to date a lot of wierdos from the same site before I met him, but persistance pays off let me tell you. I am 34 now, but met him when I was 29. I mean you get to a certain age when you've met all your friend's single male friends and have no other pool to find available men. I thought to myself, "what do I have to lose?" - the answer was nothing, and if I didn't find my soul (luckily I did) at least I meet interesting people who have other connections for me if we just end up being friends.

  6. I tried to comment to this the other day but it must not have gone through -- there's a guy I refer to on my blog as NBC. we're super close. And wehnever we're not dating other people, I always wonder about him... and he's shown up in my match.com searches on more than one occasion over the years.

    It just makes you wonder...

  7. Yeah - the old "friend is the best guy out there" conundrum. Good luck in sorting the wheat from the chaff if you do do the internet dating thing. There are good stories out there as well as the usual dross..

    Good luck with getting the binges under control. It must be very unsettling and worrying for you.

    I know you'll rise to the challenge with your usual forthrightness and focus. Keep at it chuck.

    Lesley x

  8. I'm just going to say this (regarding O):

    It sounds like it's all spelled out for you in black and white.

    Unless you're simply not attracted to him... then all bets are off.
