Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Heading in the Right Direction

Weighed in today at 11 stone 7 ¾ -- down three pounds from last week’s horror weight of 11 stone 10 ¾. (I say “horror weight’ knowing full well that at most other points in my life 11 stone 10 ¾ would be a dream weight… It’s all relative!)

My eating has been saint-like, I’ve given up the diet Coke (I’m five days clean!), and I’ve been exercising hard, so I have to say I think I deserved it. (Also, I think that high weight was something of a fluke.) Still, it’s slightly depressing that I’m just now down to what I weighed on January 15th, let alone what I weighed before Christmas. Someone please remind me of this when next year’s cornucopia of champagne and chocolate hits…

I’ve got the BAFTAs – basically, the British Academy Awards – to attend Sunday night, and it’s a champagne-fueled dinner, so I have a feeling there may be a bit of yo-yoing going on between it and London Fashion Week, which also starts Sunday. (How does one gain weight during Fashion Week? Easily. As something of the bastard stepchild of the four fashion capitals, LFW is all about the parties, all with tons of champagne and the same caterer. By the end of the week I can literally tell you which canapés are coming – although hopefully this time around I won’t be able to tell you whether they’re any good or not!)


  1. Wow, good job!!!

    And did you get headaches once you stopped the diet coke? I am afraid of that...

  2. I'm about a year clean of diet coke and don't miss it one bit!! I had a sip at a party and that was enough believe me.

    The Champagne at the BAFTA's sounds good as does the weigh in result. I want to weigh about 11 1/2 stone - I'm about a stone above that now and it's very annoying!!

    Keep it up.

    Lesley x
