Friday, 8 February 2008

A New Low

This morning the scale hit 11 stone 4.5 (158.5) – the lowest I’ve weighed in my entire adult life.

Glee was swiftly followed by a touch of fear/anxiety/dread.

The fear and anxiety is because of my plans next week, which include not just the BAFTAs and fashion week but a big dinner out tomorrow night. I’m sure I’ll gain something in all of this, and I’m already dreading trying to get the weight off again -- every half a pound at this stage is a fight. And did I mention that on the 16th I’m hoping to wear a dress that just barely fits now?

Sigh. But this is going to be my life, isn’t it? Going up a few pounds and fighting them off before they get out of control. That is what “normal” people do, isn’t it?

My goal for the week – above all – is not to binge. There are several events that are possible triggers, not least of which is the BAFTAs. I have to meet for drinks at 5 p.m., but dinner will not be served until at least 10:30 p.m. I can’t eat dinner before I go, obviously. May try to carry something small – cashews or similar – in my handbag.


  1. Definitely bring the cashews, that's my trick... and chew gum, discreetly, of course... cocktails at 5. Gawd. I'd probably be wasted by the time the first course was served. easier said than done, but can you just sip sparkling water until the dinnertime wine pour?

  2. Well done on reaching that milestone!

    I think the ups and downs really are a part of long term weight control and probably nothing to get too excited about. I've found that nuts or soynuts are great to fill in that gap between drinks and dinner.. even if I have to resort to eating them in the loo..

    With the drinking,is there anyway you can make up an excuse not to? Like.. 'I'm on antibiotics and alcohol makes me vomit'?

  3. That is FANTASTIC news! Take a minute to congratulate yourself before you start worrying!

    You'll be fine - just enjoy the skinny sensation and plan some extra exercise for before or after.

    Enjoy the BAFTA's - sounds v exciting.

    Lesley x
