Saturday, 8 March 2008

Coffee, Tea or Paella?

I'm writing this quickly, sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to Kuala Lumpur. In my travel bag next to me: Enough healthy food for the whole flight, so I don't even have to contemplate the airplane or airport food options.

Yes, I binged in Spain. But I haven't given up yet.

(Sidenote: Just who is buying a kilo of Cadbury's Dairy Milk, which I saw for sale in the duty free? And, erm, why? Even I have to pause when confronted with the possibility of a personal chocolate supply that vast.)

Spain was tough. Because it was a food show, I spent hours watching people eat amazing food, and of course was ravenous by the time it was my turn to eat. The hours were long, there were no gyms in the hotels (I'd had to stay in them because that's where the crew was staying), and it was a lot of hurry up and waiting. I found myself a gym to go to when we moved on to Madrid from Valencia, but Madrid gyms don't open early in the morning, and the shoot was scheduled to start at 8 a.m. (I knew perfectly well it wouldn't start until at least 10 -- and in fact, it didn't start until just before noon -- but I still couldn't chance it.) Frustrating.

To top it off, I've been struggling with a couple of personal problems too personal even for the Internet. (Yes, there is such a thing. At least for me.) One of them is causing such anxiety I am positively jumpy -- so it's hardly surprising I want to eat to soothe my nerves. I know, I know: I should read my own damn blog: Eating will not solve any problem (except hunger, of course).

I ate my way through Tuesday and Wednesday (including the best paella I've ever had in my life -- I may never be able to eat it anywhere else ever again) and much of Thursday, when I finally dug in my heels and cancelled the tea on Friday, claiming I was delayed in Spain. I knew having to run out of work early for a tea that consists entirely of cakes would be stressful and disastrous -- and bingeing the night before a long plane trip would be awful. I'm not proud that I lied, but I'm proud that I put myself first, even if I had to do it in a roundabout way. (The birthday girl is a good friend, but not such a good friend that I've explained the eating problems.)

So yesterday was a gold star day, food and gym-wise (despite the fact that I really didn't want to go.) It helps, but I'm still feeling very fragile.

This post is mostly for accountability -- hence its quick and disjointed nature. (Also, the fact that I have four minutes left and my flight's about to board). I'm hoping to do a bit more writing on the plane and perhaps post again in Kuala Lumpur. Hopefully, a post or two should keep me honest!


  1. Hey, enjoy KL. I was there in 2001 and it left me with a lasting impression. TAKE CARE and don't worry too much about the food. I am dying to know qhat could be so personal that you can't share, uhmmm. My imagination's running wild, lol. K.

  2. Ok, who bought the chocolate? I am a sucker for gossip.

    Mmm paella, I am going to the UK (from Australia) for work in a couple of months and thinking of adding a trip to Spain, it seems to be turning into a bit of a food holiday. I really should get my priorities straight.

    I hope all is ok and nothing awful is happening with your 'personal stuff'. :-)

  3. Oh, I do hope you find some equilibrium soon!

    I had the best paella EVER in Barcelona. Mmmmmm.....

  4. Paella.....yes, I too have had a paella nirvana in Spain, mine was in Barcelona. I'm now drooling even though it's only 7am!

    Have a good holiday and I hope all is well. Well done for posting - I know what you mean about accountability.

    Lesley x

  5. just found you.

    so behind Im off to explore archives.

    love your way with the written word.

