Monday, 27 July 2009

Back From the Brink

I know alcohol is a depressant. I think -- for me -- too much food must release the same chemicals. I feel gray and depressed after a binge -- despairing, fearful and sick. (The first day post-binge is also a complete waste of a day, as I just put one foot in front of the other, hoping to get through the hours until I can go to sleep and wake up the next day feeling better.)

Anyway, I'm six days post-binge -- six days of pretty clean eating. Not enough exercise, in my opinion, but frankly, I did some and today is a new week. A week that will probably include a trip to Paris and could also include a day interviewing the guys who run one of London's best bakeries, but let's worry about that when we get there, shall we?


  1. Well done. You are still my weight loss hero!

  2. An close friend recently told me something I didn't know about her husband. I knew he'd had an accident & hurt himself while drinking when he was in college 25 years ago, but what I didn't know was that he considers himself an alcoholic and still goes to AA meetings several times a week. For the last 25 years! & he still goes to AA meetings several times a week! I've known this man for 21 years and I never knew he went to AA or considered himself an alcoholic. I knew he didn't drink after his accident, but I kind of thought that it was a personal preference, like being a vegetarian.
    I have been bingeing since I was 18. It's been less often for the last 10 years, but I still binge. I binged last night. I always think that if I can finally lose the weight and get in shape, that I won't have to worry about it anymore. I'll be able to eat whatever I want because I'll be able to keep in control. I don't know why I think that because I have never, ever in my adult life been able to have a 'normal' kind of relationship with food. So maybe this is my cross to bear? Maybe this is my version of addiction, and I just have to take it one day at a time, and realize that every meal must be planned and that I can never take my eating for granted. This is what I have to deal with – so it’s not the end of the world.
    Sorry this is so long, but reading about your struggles really helps me to think about my own. I don’t know if it helps you to know that there are others of us out there dealing with this, but I really admire what you have done to wrestle your demons.

  3. I'm glad you're feeling back on an even keel. Yes, it sounds like a food hangover to me. Good luck in Paris and in the bakery!! Sounds interesting.

    Keep it up; you know you can do it.

    Lesley x

  4. Six days sounds pretty good to me - you're climbing out of the binge and back to sensible choices and exercise. Which is the real you, I know, it's just sometimes tiring to keep it up when modern society's default is the lowest common denominator.

    Looking forward to hearing more about the bakery and Paris.

    Peridot x
