Monday 25 January 2010

New Year's Resolute

According to the oh-so-reliable British press (motto: "never wrong for long" – or is that just Sky TV I'm talking about?), four out of five Britons will have abandoned their new year's resolutions by today.

Well, I haven't got the cash to pay the Home Office approximately a thousand pounds for a passport (really all that's standing between me and swearing allegiance to the Queen, or whatever it is you do), so I'm not sure I can count myself as the one in five British who hasn't drowned in the tide of good intentions. But... today marks two weeks off the diet Coke (and every other artificially sweetened carbonated beverage). I think I once hit 60 days several years ago, but for the moment, my goal is six weeks. According to my trusty Evian 2-liter bottle – I have been drinking at least one of these a day – the water in the body completely renews every six weeks. Does this mean if I carry on I'll have the skin of a supermodel in another four weeks? One can dream.

Gratitude list (really struggling with this): 1. Dark chocolate with dried cherries and almonds from my American stash. 2. Aimee Mann (yay for time to clean and for the time to rediscover my old CDs) 3. That I am no longer BN2's girlfriend and though an email from him today irritated me no end, at least I didn't have to spend the day and night apologizing for my so-called misdeeds. (I'd written a friendly note, dealing with logistics but also sending him a link to an article that might be useful. He wrote back: "Do whatever you think is far. Your detailed replies about finances and logistics, and your reluctance to share or acknowledge anything of an emotional nature make me feel pretty low and inconsequential." I mean, WTF? I deliberately used a friendly tone so as to avoid this sort of crap.


  1. Wow, BN2 thinks he has some right to hear about your emotions still, huh? This guy is just a trip.

    Congrats on giving up the Diet Coke! :)

  2. No matter what you'd said, he'd find fault with it...

    Good job with the diet coke. I need to follow your lead... just as soon as I finish the 12-pack of mini-bottles in my fridge. ;-)

  3. and just reading that statement from what he wrote to you just makes me so happy that you are no longer in a relationship like that - way to go that you are FREE!!! :)

    also congrats on being a former diet Coke drinker.

  4. I just want to say.. I'm reading your blog when I really should be going for a run. I'm procrastinating by reading blogs. There should be a word for that.

  5. What a poor victim he is. ;)

  6. I was hooked on diet coke for over 15 years. gave it up 2 years ago. only liquid that passes these lips is water, coffee, and soy milk. oh ... and alcohol. ahaha! but no soda or juice. i look at it now and can't believe i ever drank the stuff. good for you!
