Thursday, 13 December 2007

Hard Core

Tonight I skipped a Dita von Teese party out of laziness, and instead subjected myself to one of the hardest workouts of my life.

Come again?

Well, this morning I was too lazy to figure out what “festive burlesque” meant (yes, that was the dress code on the invitation), let alone figure out some kind of work outfit that might double as such (or schlep extra clothes and shoes with me). I was also too lazy to try to run home after work and fetch clothes (party didn’t start until 8 p.m.)

But while making my way through my inbox (I swear I found a magazine dated Dec. 13, 2004 – yowza), I read about heartcore pilates. And so instead of filing expense reports, writing a story due Monday, or otherwise doing anything that really needs to be done, I booked myself a class for tonight. (They were all booked for Saturday, which is when I originally thought I’d try it.)

I am a little cross-training fool – yoga, running, Pilates, walking, crosstrainer, Body Pump, the occasional swim, blah blah – and hardly anything makes me sore anymore. But this class fatigued my muscles to the point of them shaking. Really shaking. As in: I don’t think I’m ready for this jelly.

I loved it. If I could afford it -- and if it were anywhere near my office or flat -- I would definitely do it regularly.

I’m curious to see how sore I am tomorrow.

On the subject of exercise, I’m starting to have a mild freak out about my exercise routine for what is known in England as “the festive period.” I know perfectly well that a few days without exercise won’t kill me, but a little exercise for me goes a very, very long way towards not panicking about food that I don’t normally eat (or eat much of). And if I can keep from panicking, I can keep from bingeing.

I leave for Scotland on the morning of the 22nd and am there until the 27th. I’ll be staying with the family of Friend Bearing Chocolate, and if the past is any guide, if I fell into a vat of oil, I myself might be deep fried and served up, possibly with a side of chocolate and a double helping of alcohol.

Seriously, I’ve got little privacy and even less space. It’s going to be freezing and daylight is limited, so I think I’ll be lucky to run once in those five days. I’m debating taping my yoga class and downloading it to my ipod, but I’m actually not sure there’s enough space to do it. Any suggestions? I'm trying to remind myself that I did not binge last year and nor did I exercise at all. So apparently it can be done, although I'm feeling considerably more vulnerable this year.


  1. I know for devoted worker-outers, sometimes walking doesn't feel like exercise.... but it is! Can you convince friend-bearing-chocolate to put down the chips, bundle up, and head out for a walk in the Scottish countryside? It beats nothing...

  2. i second this. i was just away for a week visiting my father in his soul-less, godforsaken, exurban, oc gated community without a single gym that would let me buy a day pass in the vicinity.

    my family goes overboard at every meal and portion control is literally impossible because the "adults" will yell at you to keep eating and shove delicacies onto your plate. (i'm chinese and i think this is a cultural thing). i just resigned myself to a 5 pounds (at least) weight gain.

    instead, although i ate way more than i normally do, i stayed at almost exactly the same weight. my brother taught me to golf, which turns out to be a workout even if you don't realize it. also, this being the oc, everyone drives, but since almost everything was actually about a mile or less away, i insisted on walking and meeting my family wherever we were going.

    i imagine your hiking about in scotland will be much more pleasant- and it's also the birthplace of golf, so maybe you could tell your hosts that you have a strong desire to pick it up or brush off whatever skills you do have.
