Sunday, 30 December 2007

New Year's Eve Eve

Braved a scale hop this morning to find I am the exact same weight I was the day I left for Christmas – which is to say, two pounds above my lowest weight ever. Um, I’ll take it.

Tomorrow I’ve got a New Year’s Eve party about which I’m more than a bit apprehensive. An email about it yesterday specifically discussed how much food there will be… and food + alcohol + party not living up to expectations (which, frankly, New Year’s Eve parties rarely do) + still slightly fragile Beth = possible disaster. Despite specific orders to arrive hungry I am seriously debating having dinner before I go out and banning myself from the food. But I don’t know the plan for tomorrow – I’m possibly meeting up with friends first, so…)

* * *

Bachelor No. 2 rang today and we had a good laugh about our prying friends. His best friend and O. have apparently been texting about us (they’re as bad as women, aren’t they?) and BN2 saw some of the texts. Of course, I only know the texts BN2 chose to share with me – I’m sure there were others, which makes me wary, but I can't worry about it too much. I do think I’m going to have to be very, very careful what I say to O., who is hands down the most indiscreet person I know (and he knows it). O. has been friends with BN2’s best friend for at least 15 years – and BN2 and best friend are, of course, best friends.

BN2 and I might try to meet up on New Years Day, but no set plan at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Awww... I love that giddy feeling after a great first date! Especially one you weren't expecting much from.... That is EXACTLY how I wound up with my fella.
