Wednesday, 5 December 2007

If My Refrigerator Could Talk

Today I received a shout-out in the big morning news meeting… for my update on a certain, um, wino's bra episode.

Dear God, how is this possibly my life?

I also opened my refrigerator today to discover it contained only semi-skimmed milk (necessary ingredient for morning oatmeal) and a big leather handbag.

Why the handbag in the fridge? It’s got gum on it, and I don’t have a freezer or peanut butter (another of Google’s get-out-the-gum suggestions).

Lots going on but it’s been to crazy to blog. I’ve been out every night for more than a week, and quite a lot of those have been late nights. Must get sleep, but first must close this week’s stories…


  1. So a drunken, wandering crackhead is part of your life right now? You have to admit, it's definitely not boring! ;)

    Hope you get some sleep soon! You don't want to have to fuel your body the wino way!

  2. So did you get off the gum? heh :-)
