Those who can, do. And those who can't stay home on a Friday night and do their (overdue, but with permission) taxes.
(Forty-five minutes' worth of organizing, anyway.)
Another exciting Friday night in the life of Ms. Beth, but at least this time with some good reason. Trying to go out with my foot in this shape would make me, shall we say, a bit of a heel. (Groan. I really do need to get out more.)
So, thirty days without a binge.
Also without alcohol or overexercising (not that the latter has been an option for the past few days).
It's hard to tell if a relatively quiet life has been the cause or result of this – I'd have to say it's a little of both. I have enjoyed the relative peace and lack of drama, though – I hope I can preserve it while getting out a little more and yes, hopefully having a drink or two. Lambrusco, for some reason I've got my eye on you.
Like all units of time – except when they involve, say, waiting in traffic – the thirty day period has gone both incredibly fast and suuuper slow. It seemed like I would never get here, and now suddenly, here I am. The last few days went crazy quick, like a ball gathering speed as it rolls downhill.
But what comes after day 30 without a binge? Day 31, hopefully. It doesn't end.
It's too daunting to think about, except one day at a time.
Today also marks four weeks where I have written fiction for 45 minutes a day. That is no time at all – barely enough for a paragraph most days – but added up it's 15 hours of work I wouldn't have done otherwise.
I'm still on Chapter 1 I thought at the start of this week that I might finish it this week, but it takes what it takes. A lesson that could apply to not bingeing – and a lesson I would not have learned if I had been doing so. I'm fairly sure it would be impossible to have the discipline to do this if my head were in a food fog.
I'm a little afraid of finishing Chapter 1, if I'm honest, because I'm not sure I have much more in me than two chapters. But I've been surprised what I've found when I dug into this first chapter, so maybe the story – and I – will continue to surprise me.
I couldn't see myself getting to 30 days without bingeing, and here I am. Sometimes, I guess, you just have to start even if you have no idea where or how you might finish.
Am loving the slightly goofy humour lately. You really are 'lightening up'. ;)